The miracle molecules that protect skin's surface from oxidative damage

Antioxidants | The key to well-aging



How antioxidants help the skin

You can probably name a few foods known for their antioxidant capacity (Green Tea, Blueberries, Oranges, etc), but what are antioxidants, and how are they beneficial to our skin?

Antioxidants are known for ‘free radical scavenging’, which stabilises free radicals by donating an electron, thereby reducing oxidative stress. Free radicals are produced naturally during metabolic processes, and can also be produced from exogenous sources like UV radiation, pollution, excessive alcohol, infectious agents, etc.

Oxidative stress manifests in our skin through collagen degradation, wrinkles, dehydration, inflammation, dermatitis, acne and reduced barrier function. Many of our Cellular Extracts deliver antioxidant compounds to help prevent the above conditions from developing or progressing.

Image of a face highlighting skin health antioxidants.
An image outlining common antioxidant enzymes and compounds, including Vitamin A (Retinol), Vitamin C , and Vitamin E, Flavonoids and Phenolic acids.

Common Antioxidant Enzymes and Compounds

We’ve compiled this information from publicly available peer reviewed literature to explore new botanical sources and their phyto-compound profiles. *This information is not based on clinical trials of Cellular Extracts.

Image: Classification of Common Antioxidant Enzymes and Compounds. Source: Munteanu; 2021

Breakthrough Concentrations

Work with True to Nature Vitamin C in its entourage with the Kakadu Plum Cellular Extract.

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An image of NATIVE EXTACTS Kakadu Plum Cellular Extract, a natual Vitamin C and antioxidant and key details about the product and benefits for skin and skincare.

Antioxidant potential of NATIVE Extracts

NATIVE EXTRACTS is in the process of conducting antioxidant research on a range of Extract Concentrate products. Below is experimental results of two different analytical tests for antioxidant activity.

Antioxidant Ingredients for Skincare

assay measures the test samples antioxidant capacity to reduce ferric iron (Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+). This reaction develops a blue colour that increases with Fe2+ production. The assay is therefore spectrophotometric and the colour change is measured at 594nm. Quantitative results are determined against a ferrous iron standard curve and results are expressed as Fe2+ equivalents (μM).

A graph of the FRAP results for NATIVE EXTRACTS Cellular Extract concentrates including Davidson Plum, Mountain Pepper Berry, Tasmanian Lavender, Blueberries, and more, as they relate to the page content about antioxidant ingredients for skincare.

DPPH or 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl

is a radical cation used in the assay to measure a test sample's radical scavenging ability. During an incubation period, antioxidants in the test sample transfer hydrogen ions to reduce DPPH to DPPH-H. A colour change results from the reaction and the solution develops from purple to yellow. Quantitative results are determined against a standard curve of Trolox (Vitamin E analogue), and results are expressed as Trolox equivalents and inhibition ratios. The assay is limited to antioxidant compounds that are soluble in 50% ethanol solutions. Despite this consideration DPPH assays are quick, efficient and able to show antioxidant potential in complex biological mixtures such as plant extracts.

A graph showing the DPPH results for NATIVE EXTRACTS Cellular Extract Concetrates including Mountain Pepper Berry, Tasmanian Lavender, Tomato, and others in relation to antioxidants for skincare.
A graphic of liquid as a representation of antixoidants which are used in skincare.

Research brochure


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Extracts for Antioxidants