Mukti Launches Queen of the Night

A big congratulations to MUKTI on launching the Queen of the Night, a world-first product starring the Queen Garnet Plum Cellular Extract. You've made us proud with the magic your team has created with our innovation.

Queen Garnet represents a ground-breaking Australian Agri-Innovation that cross-pollinated two plum species to create a super fruit with a unique plant profile. It is high in Anthocyanins and features other high-value natural molecules such as Quercetin.

NATIVE EXTRACTS' innovation in True to Nature Cellular Extractions created new knowledge on water-soluble plant profiles over the last 10 years. MUKTI has always been a trailblazer in ethical and natural ingredient formulation and has been working with NATIVE EXTRACTS since our inception.

It's an absolute honour to collaborate with MUKTI who has been an important part of our journey with her vision to embrace and innovate with new natural sources of plant nutrition. This has been a great product development journey that goes beyond unique phytonutrient sources but encapsulates our shared ethos for eco-conscious manufacturing and advanced science.

All of our extracts are created using rain-harvested water saving the public water supply and the only waste product of our process is exhausted bio-mass, which is either re-purposed or composted. We are on a mission to prove that good science and responsible manufacturing are a reality to drive innovative solutions for conscious consumers that care about people and our planet.

Thank you, Mukti. What an incredible way to showcase the Queen. You nailed it!!!